- Unified School District 232
- Parent Resources
- At Home Supports
At Home Supports
Social/Emotional Support
Supporting the Emotional Needs of Kids With Learning Disabilities
Signs your child might be struggling with low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression, and how to help
Dedicated to shaping a world where millions of people who learn and think differently can thrive at home, at school, and at work. Resources for parents/caregivers, teachers and students.
Learning Supports
New Videos for Parents of Children with Significant Cognitive Disabilities on Supporting Learning at Home
NCEO and TIES Center are jointly developing a series of videos for parents on various aspects of supporting the learning of children with significant cognitive disabilities at home and have just announces the publication of their first four videos.
Helping Your Child with Routines at Home
Helping Your Child with the Foundations of Communication at Home
Helping Your Child with Communication at Home
Helping Your Child with Academics
In addition to parents, educators and other audiences will find the videos useful as they work with parents and families. Each video focuses on three key questions: Why is it important to focus on this with my child at home? How can I do this at home? What support can I ask for from my child’s school? These videos help families learn ways to support the learning of their children with significant cognitive disabilities at home and have conversations with teachers to link home- schools supports.
Additional videos will be added to the series over the next several months The future videos will be on supporting the learning of reading, writing, and math at home, as well as one on monitoring progress.
How Parents Can Support Children With Special Needs During Distance Learning
If your child has special needs, remote learning can be incredibly stressful. Here are some tips for helping kids learn, while still taking care of yourself.
Full Article >> How Parents Can Support Children With Special Needs During Distance Learning
Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities During COVID-19
The below resources are offered for consideration during the time of remote instruction due to COVID-19. This list is not comprehensive of all possible resources. The listed resources are provided for information only.
A Parent’s Guide to Virtual Learning
4 Actions to Improve Your Child’s Experience With Online Learning
A Parent’s Guide to Virtual Learning
Distance Learning for Special Education
Resources on this page are provided by educators and families from around the world. We are collaborating to support the needs of students with significant disabilities during the COVID 19 pandemic. These materials are open source and may be adapted to fit your child or student's need.
Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times
7 Strategies to Support Individuals with ASD through Uncertain Times
Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times
Supporting All Learners
Self Management Instruction
Using Self-Management Instruction to Teach Initiation of Tasks
Self Management - Lesson Plan Starter
Structured Home Teaching Session
The following descriptive offers suggestions on how a parent or caregiver can provide home sessions for their child.
Structured Home Teaching Session
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools are now closed, extracurricular activities are cancelled and some child care centers or recreational areas have shut their doors. This creates numerous challenges for families and parents, and people of all ages are now seeking to heed the advice of experts and practice social distancing or abiding by orders to stay at home.
This likely means many hours to fill for children and families within a primary residence. How can we ensure these hours are spent in ways enriching and educating for families? Below, please find some resources to make your time at home all the better, or, for a good general resources, learn more about the United Way 2-1-1 hotline.
KansasHealth.org - Family Resources for COVID-19
During these uncertain times brought about by COVID-19, Families Together, Inc. will keep safety and health a priority for our staff and community. We will continue to provide training, information, and support to those we serve.